Sunday School

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Grace Sunday School

Sundays 9:00 a.m. | September – May

There are programs for children of all ages during the Sunday Education Hour. The children gather together at 9 am in room 127a for opening time with Morgan Franz. After the opening they move to their classrooms. Preschool children meet in the pre-school room: Room 112. 

The complete schedule may be found in the church calendar on ChurchTrac.

Early Childhood & Preschool

Curriculum: Show Me God’s Truth which teaches the children Bible stories that show the amazing power of God and the great love He has shown in sending Jesus to be our Savior.


Curriculum: Tell Me the Story of Jesus                                            Tell Me the Story of Jesus. The lessons teach about the           person and life of Jesus Christ.

1st Grade

Curriculum: Teach Me God’s Word. Teach Me God’s Word. The lessons teach about God’s power in creation, man’s fall into sin, God’s promise of a Savior and God’s lovingkindness to all generations.

2nd Grade

Curriculum: The Lord’s Prayer: Lessons based on the Introduction, Petitions, and The Lord’s Prayer to encourage children to pray to our Heavenly Father in Jesus’ name.

3rd & 4th Grade

Curriculum: The Apostles Creed: Lessons based on the three Articles of the Apostles’ Creed and their meanings.

5th & 6th Grade

Curriculum:  Journey Through the Old Testament. Students will dig into God’s Word while learning more about geography and culture of the Old Testament times. Highlighting: The Law – Genesis – Deuteronomy; History: Joshua – Esther; Poetry: Job – Song of Solomon; Prophets: Isaiah – Malachi. Lessons with colorful illustrations also feature special sections called Word Works, Fast Fact, and Catechism Corner. 

7th & 8th Grade Confirmation

Curriculum: Foundations of the Faith/This Is Most Certainly True. Based on Luther’s Small Catechism as its structure and using Scripture as the primary text. Lessons on the Law and the Gospel and focuses on prayer and the Lord’s Prayer and the Sacraments. 

Jr. & Sr. High

Topics for discussion are on “Christian Thought and World View – Living in this culture as a Christian.”

Adult Bible Study

Our study will be focused upon the Book of Revelation and supporting prophetic scriptures. There are many good reasons for us to study the book of Revelation. Christ himself promises: “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3).


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