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“That all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the Lord” Joshua 4:24


The Grace Free Lutheran Church (GFLC) Missions committee is comprised of three elected members of GFLC chosen to serve the congregation by:

  • Encouraging greater mission awareness and involvement in and through our congregation.
  • Encourage prayer for our missionaries through increased communication with them.

Contact us at missions@gracefreelutheran.org


Grace Mission Focus: Alaska Home Missions

AFLC Promotion: AFLC General Fund

WMF Promotion: AFLC Home Missions



Below are the missionaries that GFLC has in the past and is currently supporting financially. If you would like to help with support to any of these missionaries please send a check to the church office and designate the missionary you would like to give a gift to. We also provide funding to support all AFLC World Missionaries through our monthly benevolence to the AFLC. Missionary pray cards are a great reminder to continue to pray for missions. Contact the World Missions Department for the most recent missionary prayer cards. Learn more at aflcworldmissions.org


The AFLC has had a presence in Brazil since the mid-1960’s. GFLC is supporting two of the missionary families serving the Lord there.

Jonathan & Tamba Abel

Jon & Hannah Lee


AFLC World Missions sent the first missionary family to the country in 2006. The primary goal is to teach pastors and leaders to plant churches, shepherd their congregations and train other pastors and leaders. 



Ukraine is home to the fastest growing church in Europe. The youth of Ukraine are very open.  Josiah Venture has a strategic opportunity to help by modeling healthy discipleship of young people through the local church in a culture that is responding to God‘s call.

A special Ukraine Crisis Fund has been set up by Josiah Venture and is being used to care for the refugees we are personally assisting, to finance evacuation efforts through our partner churches in Ukraine, and to pay for supplies and food that is being distributed by these Ukrainian believers. Go to this link to give.

Tomasz and Miriam Chmiel

Journey Missions

Journey Missions exists to give people opportunities to visit our AFLC Mission Fields through one to three week mission trips and short term assistant opportunities.  

Jon & Heidi Nelson

Orality Institute

The International Orality Institute employs an oral style of instruction, using the parables and question-and-answer style of teaching that Jesus used. The ministry began in 2007, with the primary training being done in Uganda and India. 

Dr. Kevin Olson, Director

Rev. Paul Kneeland, Missionary/Representative


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

The Grace Free Lutheran Church (GFLC) Missions committee is working to bring greater awareness to the missions work that occurs right here at home in our neighborhoods and location in Minnesota. Stay tuned for more! Learn more about AFLC Home Missions at aflchomemissions.org


We’d love to hear from you.